Kayla [Senior]

Kayla is spunky and upbeat, and I was so thankful for her positive outlook--considering we photographed her senior pictures on one of the hottest days Lancaster has seen this summer! I enjoyed meeting her and getting an insight into who she is. At Warwick, she’s part of concert choir, color guard, and the basketball team. After her senior year, she hopes to attend Millersville University and major in early elementary education. Kayla adores kids and hopes to teach eager second-graders. During the session, we certainly didn’t run out of things to chat about, especially because Kayla loves photography (hence the Polaroids and film strips). She actually photographed her first wedding in May. It was a blast exploring the beautiful property of the family who owns Elizabeth Farms. Thanks for braving the heat and humidity, Kayla!

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Alex + Rachel [Rustic, DIY Wedding]

No matter how many weddings I photograph, my heart beats out of my chest when the bride glides down the aisle towards the eager groom. That is a powerful moment, and it never gets old. For the past six years, Rachel has been my dear friend, and I’ve prayed for her husband for years, before he was in the picture. Needless to say, I wiped back tears when she walked towards Alex—whose face was beaming with tenderness. The couple’s joy was contagious, and it was evident that they savored each moment. Homemade touches were sprinkled throughout Rachel + Alex’s rustic, outdoor wedding. Rachel has a reputation. People (including myself!) are in awe of Rachel’s creative DIY abilities. For starters, she MADE snazzy bow-ties for each of her nephews. The bouquets were also DIY: mostly handpicked flowers from Rachel’s garden. To hold the rings in the ceremony, she made a wooden box that said “Mr. and Mrs.” And don’t miss her hand-painted donut sign below (just wait!)

The wedding day was just so personal, and so many people contributed. Esther (Rachel’s sister and MOH) made the bridesmaid dresses! Leah (friend and bridesmaid) did an impeccable job on the bride + bridesmaids’ hair. Artistic friends helped construct the burlap arbor and various reception details. I also had a blast with this particular bridal party, and I love that a lot of family members were included: the bride’s sister and niece and the groom’s brothers and father.

Ok, enough gabbing—here are the photos from a marvelous wedding at the Old Summer House in Lancaster, PA.

Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding1 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding2 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding3 For the millionth time, I LOVE first looks! You can't fake this emotion.Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding4 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding5 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding6 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding7 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding8 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding9 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding10 Alex must have been practicing his GQ face in the mirror. He's a natural!Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding11 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding12 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding13 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding14 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding15 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding16 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding17 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding18 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding19 The bride made a unique bow-tie for each of her nephews. I'm still smiling about this special detail!Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding20Such a sweet moment before the ceremony: her youngest nephew ran to her with delight.Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding21 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding22 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding23 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding24 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding25 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding26 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding27 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding28 Stop it, guys! You're stunning!Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding29 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding30 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding31 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding32 "Uncle Alex, here comes your girl!"Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding33An emotional walk down the aisle: each of Rachel's nephews walked her part-way, and her father completed it Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding34 Kicking off the ceremony with some praise + worship Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding35 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding36 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding37 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding38 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding39 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding40 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding41 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding42 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding43 Guess who made these pretty things for the sweet-heart table?! Yep, the bride and her sister! I mean SERIOUSLY. Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding44 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding45 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding46 Guests snapped and signed polaroids as the guestbook...such a neat way to remember the dayLancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding47 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding48 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding49 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding50 Thank you to the groom for finding these delectable donuts (in lieu of a wedding cake). AND an ice-cream sundae bar. My sweet tooth was happy!Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding51 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding52 Lancaster_Rustic_DIY_Wedding53

Josh + Lauren [Lancaster, PA Wedding]

“I love her and that’s the beginning and the end of everything.” –F Scott Fitzgerald

On a warm day in June, Josh and Lauren promised forever under a large tree in the backyard where he grew up. These two were incredibly relaxed all day, and I believe that really comes through in the portraits. Aren’t they stunning? I’m pretty sure they’re models but are too humble to admit it ;) Inspired by Marilyn Monroe's style, Lauren had her wedding dress specially designed. I think her style looks extra timeless in black + white form, which you'll see below. We did the First Look and portrait session in the back yard of the couple's new home. Isn’t the scenery gorgeous?

Josh and Lauren knew each other in high school, but they ran in different circles of friends. He randomly contacted her a few years after high school, and they reconnected on many levels. They’ve been through a lot together, and they just get each other. She’s crazy about him. He’s crazy about her. I couldn’t help noticing that every time Josh looked in Lauren’s direction, his face was overcome with joy.

Their ceremony AND reception were in the backyard, and I certainly loved the yellow and grey color scheme of the details. Enjoy this backyard, summer wedding!

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Lauren, girl, you are a natural! So stunning.12 13 14 This was a completely candid moment as I was testing my camera settings. I love the mood of it, as they pause to admire her bouquet. 15 16 17 18 19 Lauren chose to make her bridesmaids her family members: her sister and the groom's two sisters.20 21 22 These guys have been buddies for years and grew up in the same town. 23 24 25 26 I thought it was extra special that Lauren had her father and her step-father walk her down the aisle: two men that have meant a lot to her.27 28I told you Lauren loves Marilyn Monroe's style! She even has Marilyn tattooed on her back! 29 30 31 32Seeds are an excellent favor! 33 34 35 36Their wedding food was truly some of the yummiest I've had in the 6 years I've been photographing. The salmon was incredible! 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44