Eric + Laura [Nolde Forest Engagement]

Nolde Forest is so picturesque during autumn. We’re lucky to have such scenic spots in Pennsylvania. This was an ideal location for Eric and Laura’s session, as hiking is their favorite past time. I appreciate their willingness to step across small, unstable rocks to reach the middle of a creek! These two are so easy-going and enjoyable to be around, and I loved hearing about Eric’s proposal; he included cheesecake and a private fireworks show—impressive! My brides are so sweet, thoughtful, and personable. After I booked Laura and Eric’s April 2014 wedding, Laura contacted me and asked if I’d like to spend the afternoon at the salon. I rarely pamper myself, so I welcomed the excuse to get to know Laura over a mani-pedi! I always enjoy hearing a future bride gush about planning the details of their special day. Apparently the groom will be wearing a bow tie, which I’m excited about! I don’t know what it is about them, but I feel like bow ties add a fun flair to the day.

Looking forward to getting to know you more, Eric and Laura!

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Greer Family Portraits

Simply put, the Greers are phenomenal. Peter, Laurel, and their kids are inspiring. After spending time with them on their shoot, I was energized by their enthusiasm and kindness. And most of all, their story. When I returned to the U.S. after living in Africa, one of my Ugandan friends in Lancaster suggested I read The Poor Will be Glad. I was engrossed and couldn’t put it down. Peter authored this book, and it was my introduction to him and the organization he runs: HOPE International. HOPE is “a global nonprofit focused on addressing both physical and spiritual poverty through microfinance.”

As I read about HOPE’s global work in The Poor Will Be Glad, I found myself nodding in agreement. I have witnessed that handouts often create dependency. This is why I support HOPE’S mission to see people around the globe be self-sustainable. The photos in the book gripped my heart, as I longed again for Uganda. Jeremy Cowart, a friend of Peter’s, photographed the stunning images in the book (allow me to have a nerdy photographer moment: Jeremy is incredible, and you’re missing out if you haven’t seen his work!!)

Knowing that the Greers and I share a passion for missions, a heart for Africa, and a love for adoption, I was incredibly excited heading into their session. Lilly and Keith are such cuties and showed off their sweet smiles. Myles, who instantly stole the Greer’s hearts when they adopted him from Rwanda, is such a handsome and spunky little guy! Laurel started For More, an organization that provides clean water in Rwanda. Peter and Laurel just exude passion and God’s love for the nations, and it was fun to chat about places we’ve both explored: Jinja and Kampala, Uganda; Rwanda; etc. In fact, Peter and Laurel’s first date was rafting down the River Nile. They fell in love while living and working in Rwanda!

We were blessed with a 65 degree Autumn day, complete with golden sunshine! Meet the Greers. 

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Bree + Jonny [Longwood Gardens Engagement]

It was the day he had anticipated for months: the day he'd promise the rest of his life to the girl he adores. And she was totally unsuspecting (at least at the beginning of the day ; ) Jonny planned an elaborate scavenger hunt for Bree around Lancaster, and one of the stops was Francesca’s--her favorite store at the mall. When Bree entered the store, she discovered that Jonny had chosen a stunning dress for her, complete with exquisite jewelry. After changing into her new outfit, the scavenger hunt lead Bree to a friend’s scenic property (the exact spot where they’ll be exchanging vows next year!) Jonny got down on one knee, explained how much Bree has touched his life, and then he proposed. Bree let out an enthusiastic “yes” through her tears. I’ve been blessed to get to know Bree and Jonny through Victory Church over the last year. I clearly remember last Fall when Bree told me she was “sort of seeing someone” as she gushed about this guy that literally made her heart skip a beat the first time she met him. I had a hunch it’d evolve into something lasting, and I couldn’t be happier for these two. They exemplify a passion for Christ and truly seek to brighten the lives of those around them.

Longwood Gardens was a picturesque spot for Bree and Jonny’s engagement session, especially because Bree adores all things flowers and bright colors! It was my first time photographing a session just two weeks after a couple got engaged, and that added an extra-fun element. They’re absolutely smitten with each other, and it certainly shows.

I’m already counting down until their summer, outdoor wedding next June!

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