Laura [Lancaster Photography Mentor Session]

I desire to be constantly learning as well as teaching and helping others. Last week was unique, in that I attended a photography workshop in Washington DC (hosted by one of the best in the wedding photography industry, Jasmine Star). On the flip side, in that same week I taught an incredibly fun mentor session with the lovely Laura Patrick Photography. I am grateful to the individuals who poured into me during my first few years of business. I’m a strong believer that we’re not meant to do life alone; so much growth comes out of one-on-one conversations, workshops, etc. It was exciting to see Laura’s desire to grow as I shared various tips I’ve learned through the years.

Laura is off to an amazing start in her career, but like all of us, she had specific areas she wanted to improve. We spent several hours covering the business end of things (tracking mileage, taxes—fun fun), helpful timesaver tools for the workflow, equipment, and how to best prepare for wedding days. And we wrapped up the morning with some head shots of this stunning lady.

Thank you, Laura, for sharing your enthusiasm and passion with me. It was a privilege to play a role in your story, and I know great things are ahead! Lancaster_Photography_Mentor_Session_01 Lancaster_Photography_Mentor_Session_02 Lancaster_Photography_Mentor_Session_03