Rachel [Downtown Lititz Senior Session]

Meet Rachel, a senior at Warwick who's on the track and cross-country teams. She's described as thoughtful, others-focused, and determined. Rachel has grown up in Lititz, so she wanted her portraits to reflect the past 18 years in this charming town. On a sunny September evening, we traipsed around the downtown area and found some fun nooks & crannies. Hands down, my favorites are the ones in front of the wood pile! I’m thankful for trusting clients, because I know I must sound crazy when I suggest portraits in front of stacked wood—but look how they turned out! Rachel, there is no doubt in my mind you will achieve your dream pursuing physical therapy so you can help athletes. I know the future is bright for you!downtown-lititz-senior-session_01 downtown-lititz-senior-session_02 downtown-lititz-senior-session_03 downtown-lititz-senior-session_04 I just LOVE when my clients incorporate their hobbies in the session!! downtown-lititz-senior-session_05 downtown-lititz-senior-session_06 downtown-lititz-senior-session_07 I challenged myself to find some spots that aren't typically photographed in Lititz. Discovered the sunlight is gorgeous at the parking garage overlooking the park! downtown-lititz-senior-session_08 downtown-lititz-senior-session_09 So pretty and care-free, Rachel!downtown-lititz-senior-session_10 downtown-lititz-senior-session_11 downtown-lititz-senior-session_12 downtown-lititz-senior-session_13 downtown-lititz-senior-session_14 downtown-lititz-senior-session_15 downtown-lititz-senior-session_16

Emilie + Jordan [Philadelphia Wedding]

She’s a creative, artsy soul who works at an art museum and creates elaborate oil paintings. He’s a steady, gentle, reliable man—a skillful architect. These two compliment each other in ways that their childhood selves could have never dreamed. Acquaintances since they were nine, Emilie and Jordan grew up in Philadelphia but dated other people through the years. Yet they always kept an eye on each other and secretly entertained thoughts of “what if….someday.” Two years ago they bumped into each other at Jordan’s sister’s birthday party, and their first date soon followed. Many dates in Philadelphia have happened since then: dates including art shows, the orchestra, hiking, and camping.

There’s just something about these two. I walked into their wedding day feeling like we were old friends, despite the fact that we had only met via Skype! I don’t think Emilie and Jordan stopped beaming at any point on their wedding day, can you tell? We had a blast during their portrait time at Curtis Arboretum! Their bridal party was stellar and so.much.fun. Don’t you love the various shades of the girls’ dresses? I’m in love with those gorgeous stone steps, and many of the images were begging to be turned black + white. It fits the classic, timeless mood!

Enjoy a glimpse into this couple’s wedding day! Emilie and Jordan, thank you for displaying your huge hearts and for being delightful to work with. I think I smiled the whole way driving home to Lancaster because of the special moments and people that were part of your wedding. Enjoy the journey!

Rob + Rachel [Lauxmont Farm Engagement Session]

One chilly, winter evening over chocolate chip pancakes at a diner, something changed in Rachel’s heart. As she looked across the table at Rob, she started viewing him differently: more like a man she was starting to fall for….and less like the boy she befriended nine years earlier when they were in middle-school.  Ross Rob and Rachel (I’ve been watching too many Friends episodes lately ;) had always just been friends. They met in 8th grade. Then their friendship remained through their high school years. They embarked on separate paths after high school but occasionally stayed in touch.

Years later, they randomly decided to catch up that night at the diner in 2010. It’s safe to say sparks flew! Their conversation and banter seemed natural, as they filled each other in about their lives. As a teen, Rob got involved with drugs and alcohol. So that evening, he shared with Rachel that he was in the midst of turning his life around, as he embarked on the journey towards sobriety. In order for Rob to focus on bettering his life, they didn’t start officially dating until a year later.

I’ve become friends with these two—through attending Victory Church, and I've been encouraged to watch them build a foundation for a Christ-centered marriage. I am beyond excited to be part of their wedding at Lauxmont Farms in October.

Their engagement session left me speechless. Just by looking at these photos, you can tell that they adore spending time with each other. When they embrace, there’s a peace that overcomes them.

Can you see why I’m eager for their wedding at this same location—Lauxmont is a dreamy location for a wedding, and they have four possible ceremony sites! 01Lauxmont_farms_engagement 02Lauxmont_farms_engagement 03Lauxmont_farms_engagement 04Lauxmont_farms_engagement 05Lauxmont_farms_engagement 06Lauxmont_farms_engagement 07Lauxmont_farms_engagement 08Lauxmont_farms_engagement 09Lauxmont_farms_engagement 10Lauxmont_farms_engagement Hands-down, this is one of my favorites!11Lauxmont_farms_engagement 12Lauxmont_farms_engagement 13Lauxmont_farms_engagement 14Lauxmont_farms_engagement 15Lauxmont_farms_engagement 16Lauxmont_farms_engagement Incredibly romantic view of the Susquehanna River!17Lauxmont_farms_engagement 18Lauxmont_farms_engagement 19Lauxmont_farms_engagement